For the general support of Annunciation Parish
Parish Life
Muehlbauer Family Diocese of Evansville Endowment
For the general support of the Diocese of Evansville, Indiana.
Oscar and Vernita Koester Endowment
For the general support of Saint Wendel Catholic Parish.
Ernest and Mary Ann Rasche Endowment
For the benefit of the St. Celestine Campus of St. Isidore the Farmer Parish, Celestine, Indiana.
V & M Daming Cemetery Endowment
For the general support and perpetual care of St. Bernard Catholic Cemetery, Rockport, Indiana, overseen by St. Bernard Catholic Parish, Rockport, Indiana.
Catholic Foundation Grant Endowment
To provide funds for one or more grants annually to entities in the Diocese of Evansville, who meet the criteria set forth by the Board of Directors of the Catholic Foundation of Southwestern Indiana, Inc. and are then chosen by a majority vote of the Board.
Oliver and Mary Ann Schapker Corpus Christi Parish Endowment
For the general support of Corpus Christi Catholic Church.
Carol and Glenn Smith Endowment
To assist in financial needs of Resurrection Catholic Church, Evansville, Indiana.
Joseph and Mary Ann Jerger Endowment
For the general needs of St. Mary Parish, Ireland, Indiana.
Raibley Family Endowment
For the area of greatest need at St. Benedict Parish or School in Evansville, Indiana.