General support of the Pre-School program at St. Benedict Cathedral School, Evansville, Indiana.
A. Louise Jerger – St. Joseph Parish Jasper Endowment
for the enhancement, continuation, advancement and maintenance of St. Joseph Catholic Parish, Jasper, Indiana; including its grounds and structures.
Aaron L. Schulte Endowment
for resources to help special needs individuals at St. Bernard Catholic Church and School, Rockport, Indiana.
Adelaide Rosenberger Endowment
for the maintenance and beautification of St. Boniface Church.
Al and Darlene Weinzapfel and Family Endowment
Support of Mater Dei High School, Evansville, Indiana, 50% to be used for Operations and 50% to be used for the Athletic Department.
Albert & Doris Merkley Cemetery Endowment
for the perpetual care of Sacred Heart Cemetery.
Albert & Doris Merkley Church Endowment
for the general purposes of Sacred Heart Church.
Albert & Eleanor Hisker Memorial Endowment
to pay the tuition of members of Good Shepherd Catholic Parish who attend a Catholic High School in Evansville. If during any school year no student from Good Shepherd Parish attends a Catholic High School, the funds shall be used for the general purposes of Good Shepherd Catholic Elementary School.
Albert & Martin Durchholz Endowment
for the general purposes of Good Shepherd Parish.