Paul and Nancy Mayer Endowment

To provide tuition assistance for students attending Mater Dei High School, Evansville, Indiana who have attended a West Deanery feeder elementary school, which may also supplement or fund tuition for a student who is currently receiving additional tuition assistance. If tuition assistance is not needed for one or more students, the Endowment will be used…

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Catholic Foundation Grant Endowment

To provide funds for one or more grants annually to entities in the Diocese of Evansville, who meet the criteria set forth by the Board of Directors of the Catholic Foundation of Southwestern Indiana, Inc. and are then chosen by a majority vote of the Board.

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St. Wendel Teacher Appreciation Endowment

Ro be used by St. Wendel School to secure and maintain a talented and dedicated community of teachers and staff who provide learning and personal development for the students of St. Wendel School. This donation aims to enhance the compensation of teachers and staff beyond the published diocesan high school salary schedule by a minimum…

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