for the general purposes of Good Shepherd Parish.
Albert and Yvonne Kyncl Endowemnt Fund
for the general benefit of Marian Day School. Yvonne Kyncl wishes to be informed each year on the use of the annual distribution.
Albin Family Endowment
for the general support of St. John the Baptist Church.
Alfred & Magdalen Weinzapfel Endowment
for the general needs of St. Philip Catholic Church.
Alfred and Mona Waninger Endowment
Capital improvements of St. Martin Catholic Church and capital improvements or maintenance of the outdoor Marian Shrine and the outdoor Stations of the Cross of St. Martin Catholic Church, Chrisney, Indiana.
Ali Carter Scholarship Endowment
for a college scholarship for a graduating senior of Reitz Memorial High School.
Ali Carter Scholarship Endowment Donor Advised
for a college scholarship for a graduating senior of Reitz Memorial High School.
All Saints Parish Endowment
For the development and growth of All Saints Parish in Evansville, Indiana.
All Saints’ Cemetery Endowment
Perpetual care, maintenance and beautification of the parish cemetery of St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Huntingburg, Indiana.