To aide in vocational support within the Diocese of Evansville, with special Primary consideration given to the House of Discernment, Evansville, Indiana.
Catholic Diocese of Evansville
Charlie Pride USI Newman Catholic Community Alumni Endowment
To support the Diocese of Evansville, USI Newman Center in providing weekly Catholic Masses on the University of Southern Indiana campus, Evansville, Indiana.
Joseph A. and Kathleen Wolking Seminarian Endowment
General support of seminarians in the Diocese of Evansville.
Norbert and Verena Schroeder Endowment for the Education of Priests for the Diocese of Evansville
Any expenses associated with seminarians’ education including but not limited to tuition and room and board fees as determined by the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Evansville, Indiana or his designee.
Fr. Jerry Ziliak SVD Scholarship Endowment
To provide a scholarship for undergarduate or graduate students from the Evansville Diocese studying for the priesthood or religious life particularyin missionary work
Anne Elizabeth Rosenblatt Gehring Memorial Endowment
To provide scholarship assistance to attend Nursing school for a Catholic individual who has graduated from high school and been accepted into an approved Nursing School to receive a diploma or degree as a Registered Nurse.
Robert A Deig Endowment
to provide continuing support tto the work of the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Louise Becker Youth Endowment
for support of Youth programs of the Diocese of Evansville and of its parishes.
Bishop Gerald A. Gettlefinger Catholic Scouting Endowment
to provide financial assistance for Catholics from the Diocese of Evansville who are registered members of the Boy Scouts of America or Girl Scouts of American to attend or participate in national or international activities of faith formation.
Diocese of Evansville Priests’ Retirement Endowment
to provide funds for priests’ retirement.