For the general support of the choir of St. Joseph Catholic Parish, Jasper, Indiana.
St. Joseph Parish - Jasper
Ken and Alice Beck St. Joseph Parish Endowment
For the general support of St. Joseph Catholic Parish, Jasper, Indiana.
Jim and Pat Thyen St. Joseph Church Maintenance Endowment
For the maintenance and upkeep of the St. Joseph Catholic Church building in Jasper, IN.
A. Louise Jerger – St. Joseph Parish Jasper Endowment
for the enhancement, continuation, advancement and maintenance of St. Joseph Catholic Parish, Jasper, Indiana; including its grounds and structures.
Dolores E. Uebelhor – St. Joseph Church Jasper Endowment
For the enhancement, continuation, advancement and maintenance of St. Joseph Catholic, Jasper, Indiana.
Jim and Pat Thyen Endowment for Music and Liturgy Programs
To provide funding of the music and liturgy programs at St. Joseph Catholic Parish, Jasper, Indiana.
Florence Gardner St. Joseph Parish Endowment
General support of St. Joseph Catholic Parish, Jasper, Indiana.
Betty Jo Salb St. Joseph Parish Endowment
General support of St. Joseph Catholic Parish, Jasper, Indiana.
Carol Drifka St. Joseph Parish Endowment
General support of St. Joseph Catholic Parish, Jasper, Indiana.
Fr. Patrick Foster St. Joseph Parish Jasper Indiana Endowment
General support of St. Joseph Catholic Parish, Jasper, Indiana.